Thursday, July 20, 2017



Kota Marudu or formerly known as Bandau has a total area of ​​1,917 square kilometers, is located in the north of the state of Sabah on the line 6'30 North latitude and longitude of 116'45 "East. The Kota Marudu District Administration is bordered by Kudat District and Pitas in the north, Beluran District in the East, South Ranau District and Kota Belud District in the West. Its administrative district covers the area of ​​N.5 Tandek State Legislative Assembly and some in the state constituency N.4 Matunggong.

According to the language of Momogun Rungus, Kota Marudu is derived from Momogun Rungus's language "Sindaat Mogkorudu" where the Bandau area for almost 100 years in Momogun Rungus calendar count has been abandoned after the war involving Sindaat (magic) launched by Aki Sook, a Bobolizan Rovusan. Mogkorudu means "mourn over death". According to the legend of Momogun Rungus, Bandau was opened by Aki Rungsud as a barter trading center in the past and in Aki Sook era there has been a power struggle between Momogun Rungus Pilapazan and Momogun Rungus Kirangavan which resulted in the Sindaat war. After Sindaat Mogkorudu was launched, the Ancient Momogun barter trade center was abandoned and emptied for almost 100 years, after passing the Mamasi Pomogunan Ceremony and the Managas Ceremony.

Kota Marudu is a district located in the north of Sabah. Before the existence of Kota Marudu in the 1970s, the name MARUDU or MALUDU has existed in the World Map since the 14th century or about 500 years ago, which is the same as the existence of MELAKA's name in world history and is among the oldest recorded names in Borneo Land. More clearly, the name MARUDU or MARUDO or MALUDU is the ONE SUBSTITUTE OR REGIONAL ORDINARY NAME that has been used in the State of Sabah ever recorded in Borneo History. But the existence of the name Marudu in the map of the ancient world was not realized by the special Sabahans and Malaysians in general. In fact, many academicians, historians, politicians or district and state administrators do not deny it and do not know this.

Many people claim that the name of Bandau was earlier used by the name Marudu to refer to the existence of the City Marudu District. However, this is untrue and deliberately made. This act is a prejudice, irresponsible and deliberate act of killing the history of the nation and its own country. There is no record of past history or archaeological and anthropological evidence that allows the existence of the name of the Bandau. However, the nation's name and race is not a wooden measure to measure love and character of identity and loyalty to the homeland. What is more important is the unity and peace among its citizens who are accompanied by mutual sense of responsibility to develop and love our homeland.

Based on records in China, in the 7th or 8th century Borneo referred to as Po-Li, Po-Lo or Pu-Ni or Bun-Lai and ancient trading activities have been held between Borneo and China. This is evidenced by the discovery of the Chinese Song Dynasty's artifacts and merchant vessels (960 - 1126 M) in Sampang Mangayau, Kudat. Sampang Mangayau is still located within the waters of Teluk Marudu or Marudo and part of the Marudu region. Based on the records of merchants from Arab and Indian countries who stopped on Borneo Island and established trade activities with Borneo Island, these traders often told traders in China that on Borneo Island there was a mountain located beneath the wind and the height reached the cloud . The port is deep and its main yield is mothballs. Arab, Chinese and Indian merchants acknowledge and acknowledge that Kapur Barus from Borneo is the world's best Limestone.

This trade activity between the races occurred in Borneo via the port in the Marudu area through the evidence of ancient artifacts such as pottery, copper and submerged vessels found in the Sampang Mangayau waterscape, Kudat and the discovery of the Ming Dynasty Zirconia and pottery distribution at Milau River Estuary, Kampung Parapat Laut located in Teluk Marudu area. Chinese dynasties from the Ming Dynasty are also found in Shariff Osman villages such as Kampung Marudu Laut and Kampung Ranau, Kota Marudu. Keep in mind, these three areas are located within the Marudu watershed area and these artifacts found in the past 1000 years. This proves that the Marudu area has become the most important trade port in Borneo since 1000 years ago.

In 1550, Portuguese merchants were sealed at a port on Borneo Island known as port "MARUDO" (1). The name MARUDO was recorded by a Portuguese Historian FERNAO LOPES DE CASTANHEDA in 1550 as a base port used by his people (2). He also recorded the name MARUDO in the Portuguese Shipping Map and described the existence of a settlement or Town in the port of Marudo.

In December 1600 a Dutch Voyager volunteer named VAN NOORT on his journey from Brunei Bay to Java Island, had recorded and painted MARUDO's position and name in the map. Based on notes, records and maps of Fernao Lopes De Castanheda and also Van Noort's portuguese geographer named Theodore De Bry paints a Borneo Map known as BORNEO INSULA in 1602 and records the names, settlements and ports of MARUDO (3).

The origins of the word Marudu, and since when the word Marudu is used to refer to Marudu Region has never been studied and thorough research by any party so far. Therefore, I will try to uncover and scan past history and check old books or documents related to Marudu. Based on continuous research and research, I assume that Marudu has been known as a port, settlement, state and territory since the existence of the Old Kingdom in Southeast Asia. Old kingdoms like Sri Vijaya  in the 12th century and the Majapahit kingdom (1292 M-1478 M) in the 11th to 13th centuries have placed Marudu on Borneo Island as one of the regions and territories that has ever established relations with these two kingdoms. Even the Hindu-Buddhist Majapahit Kingdom has expanded its colony to Borneo Island and Sulu Islands. Prapanca, a royal writer of Majapahit in 1365, has recorded in NEGARAKERTAGAM (4) that Buruneng (Brunei) and Solot (Sulu) are the territories of Majapahit in the Borneo Region. The official language of Majapahit Kingdom is Sanskrit and this language has become Lingua-Franca in Majapahit kingdom. Therefore, this language is also used in the Borneo region.

On Borneo Island, some of the old kingdoms in the majapahit colony ever existed were Hindu-buddha Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom between 1300M - 1545M, the Kingdom of Banjar who adopted Hindu-buddha religion until 1526 and the Kingdom of PuNi (Brunei) Buddha until 1365. These three kingdoms have used sanskrit and Malay language as the language of correspondence and speech. Turning to the term Marudu, in fact, when it is investigated among the ethnic groups of Borneo Island, Marudu has not yet found the words or words of Marudu as a term in their language. Therefore, the word Marudu is certainly from the old language either sanskrit or Malay language. Given the status of Marudu as an important region in the Archipelago, then this term is a term of a language of correspondence rather than a speech language. The existence of place names based on localized speech only refers to small and less important names only. This is different from the name of Marudu, a name which refers to an important territory and often the names of places, states or governments are important names and of course the term or its meaning is taken from the language of the correspondence of the kingdom.

In Sanskrit, the names of places, states or governments are usually taken from the language of correspondence and these names often refer to the names of good, strong, glorious, glorious and so forth. For example, the word "MA" in sanscript language often refers to the name of the port, the name of the great or the great and important. MA - DHURA for example the Base or the distant place, MA - LAKHA means the Base or the place to go, MA - LUKU also means Pangkalan or place to bring down people in a proper way.

In Sanskrit, word MARUDHU is a result of a combination of words or words; Namely MA - RU and DHU (DU). The word MA means Pangkalan or where something starts, RU means the battle or war, whereas the word DHU or DU is very awesome or very scary. Hence, the MARUDU or MARUDU word meaning means "Base or a place for a fierce or frightening battle or battle." This word is closely related to the situation and the term Marudu, which has been termed as a highly reliable and well-known place of heroes. Neighboring countries such as Sulu, Palawan, Tawi-Tawi, Tidung, Banjar and Brunei are somewhat grumpy when one refers to himself from Marudu. The melancholy of the people or commanders and heroes of Marudu continues to haunt the neighbors and these struggles are still felt especially in the era of pelan activities, ie until the 17th to the 18th century. At that time, Marudu took the place as a place Most feared and feared by his enemies, especially by the westerners and among the pirates in the archipelago.

In the 18th -19th century, when North Borneo (Sabah) under the rule of the Sultanate of Sulu and the Sultanate of Sulu, the Marudu Territory had played a major role in producing heroic warriors whether among the Datong (Sulu and Brunei) Or among indigenous tribes like Dusun and Sungai. The people of Marudu (covering areas from North Kudat to Tempasuk and to the Paitan, Sugut and Kinabatangan) became increasingly popular during the reign of the British until Shariff Osman, who was then the Chairman of the Government of Marudu, was shocked by the British, In Sulu Islands and Brunei. 

The courage, heroism and power of Shariff Osman has been envied by the magnates from Brunei, especially if Shariff Osman declares Marudu and himself as "Free State and Government"  who are independent from the lease territory submitted by Sultan of Brunei and Sultan of Sulu to the British. Shariff Osman's action led King Muda Hashim to proclaim Shariff Osman as the Chief of Pirates and Marudu is the Pirate Territory (). He has sought help and joined James Brooke, British North Borneo and the British Royal Navy to attack and destroy Shariff Osman's fortress at Sungai Marudu estuary. Shariff Osman was confirmed killed in the attack.

In 1881 the British began ruling in North Borneo and they had started their administration in KUDAT, a new name and area that was then located within the Marudu area. However, the British had to move to Sandakan three years later due to the threat of piracy in Marudu waters. Currently, the Marudu area has become smaller and the term Marudu currently only refers to the areas of Bandau, Langkon, Tandek, Adjung, Teritipan, Marasinsim and several other names. Marudu no longer refers to the term area or territory but is only a small administrative district placed under Kudat Residency. The name Marudu is no longer anxious but Kudat has become a more important name and accepts the honor and excellence of Marudu's name. Hence, the British appointed a new chairman to lead the Bajau, Suluk and Rivers in the areas of Marudu, Kudat and Pitas.

 He is Haji Abdul Rahim or called Maharajah Panglima Untung (Untang) who administers the Marudu area based in Limau-limauan, Kudat. The Britsih has issued "RETRENCED" to recognize Haji Abdul Rahim as the Head and to control the area "FROM BENGKOKA RIVER (covering the area from Talaga River to the Pitas River) to the Ridge River" (now located in the Kg Landung area of ​​Kudat). Haji Abdul Rahim was also awarded 3,000 acres of land in Limau-Kudat Kudat and 3,000 acres in Pitas as an area exempted from head tax collection by the Britsih. He is otherwise justified Collecting private taxes in the form of crop-planting tax, ie hill rice from local residents in the area. 

Haji Abdul Rahim was also asked by the British to secure resistance from local residents. In Kudat and Matunggong areas, the British have also acknowledged Tumanggong Kurantod as Head of the Rungus. Both of these figures were awarded a rank by the Sulu Sultan before the British administered North Borneo. Haji Abdul Rahim was awarded the title "Maharajah" (this title is like the word Regional Government and the Highest title for the Sultan's Representative) and Tumanggong Kurantod was awarded the title "Tumanggong" (the highest title for the Chief Tribune in Borneo).

Before North Borneo gained independence and in the early 50's until the 60's the name of Bandau was used to refer to the British administrative center in Old Town. The name Langkon or Langkong is used to refer to the estates of Langkon. The name Marudu was revived in the 1970s to refer to the district administrative center here. If the Center for the Administrative of Bandau is upgraded to the District the name of KOTA MARUDU is finally used. The addition of the word KOTA at the beginning of the word MARUDU was to refer to and remember the struggle of the Warrior of the Land, Shariff Osman who had made Kubu at the Muara River of Langkon as defending his homeland and his territory from being colonized and taken by the British.

Currently, Kota Marudu is administered by the District Officer and gazetted as a Full District in Sabah state. Kota Marudu is located within the Bandau parliamentary constituency and in Tandek State Legislative Assembly. Its administrative center at Kota Marudu District Office, in Kota Marudu town Pekan Baru.

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