Tuesday, July 18, 2017



We are often reminded that our parents play with animals to make sure they are not venomous. In our observations venomous animals are like snakes, stings, bees and others we normally see in the real world.

We do not know that there are any other venomous animals and we need to know as a knowledge for ourselves and we share with those who do not know. 10 most venomous animals for you:


These jellyfish are categorized as the most venomous and toxic animals in the world. Its transparent nature allows it to be invisible to human eyesight. There are many breeding grounds in Australia's marine waters and Asian oceans. The jellyfish bubble produces nematocysts. When the toxins reach the blood, blood pressure increases. This can lead to a heart attack, and eventually death. If stung by one of these jellyfish, do not use ice or heat. If you have some vinegar, try to soak the wound site for half an hour while you drive to the nearest hospital for help.


Snake or Cobra is the most venomous septic snake. Many are found in the jungle of India and China. The broad head and can spray the bias remotely is the advantage of this snake. Toxins are very painful, and when they enter the bloodstream, they can result in death in a short time. The seven ml of poison from this animal is enough to kill an elephant or twenty people.
King Spoon Snake or King Cobra is the deadliest Snake in the world. One King Snake Bites can kill a healthy adult within 15 minutes or even kill a large African Elephant within 3 hours. One-time snake Cobra King can inject 5 times the poison of other types of snakes.
The King Spoon Snake is also the longest venomous snake in the world with a length of up to 5.6 meters and can stand up to eight feet. It is said that the King because Cobra King Cobra also prey on other types of snakes. The King Cobra Snake or King Serpent is widely found in the Southeast Asian and South Asian forestry areas.


This cone-shaped snail shell contains creatures that can convey a serious harmful poison. The mild symptoms may include pain, inflammation, numbness, and tingling. If you get high doses, you will experience loss of vision, respiratory failure, and muscle paralysis-and eventually die. There is no anti-toxin available, so there is no way to treat prey. Therefore, marbled conical cypres are considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world.
Marbled Cone Snail is a very dangerous Snail family, once a drop can Marble Cone Snail kill up to 20 people. However, to date, only 30 cases of death were caused by Marbled Cone Snail sting. Can be issued by Marbled Cone Snail basically just to catch the prey.

Marbled Cone Snail poison will cause difficulty in breathing and heart failure. Until now, there has been no cure for Marble Cone Snail.


This octopus is the smallest squid sepsis and is just sized ping pong or golf ball. However, you definitely do not want to, because it is one of the most venomous animals in the sea. Blue-colored cuttlefish are found in Australia, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea. Poisons from these animals can cause blindness, nausea, paralysis and respiratory failure, as well as death.


Stonefish is the most venomous fish in the world. A sting that is often fatal to humans. Rockfish or Stonefish is the most venomous fish in the world. As the name suggests, The fish is shaped like a Rock or coral that we usually find on the sea so it is very difficult to see it. Coral Fish Stings can cause tremendous pain and paralysis. If not treated immediately will cause death or amputation of the affected part of the body.

Stonefish, also called Coral Fish, is widely found in tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.


This scorpion is pale yellow and translucent and usually found in the Middle East and North Africa. Although it may seem subtle and uncertain, the threat posed by this scorpion is quite large. Venom from deadly capture scorpions can cause good pain and respiratory failure. Those with cardiovascular problems or allergies are likely to die from sting.
The Deathstalker scorpion is the most dangerous type of scorpion in the world. His stings can cause incredible pain, seizures and high fever and coma. In general Deathstalker scorpion scars do not cause death for healthy adults. But it will be very dangerous for those who suffer from allergies, heart disease and young children and parents.


Many snake sepsis are toxic, but inland taut is among the most toxic and dangerous besides Cobra. Its poison is capable of killing someone within 45 minutes. Thankfully, the deep bite of tycoons can be easily treated. Enough, no death is reported due to this snake.
Inland Taipan is the most venomous Snake in the World, typically 200 times more than a snake spoon and can kill humans within 40 -50 minutes if not treated immediately. Taipan Inland Taipan is found in the Australian Continent, especially in eastern Australia. Despite having a potentially dangerous Can, the Taipan Inland Snake rarely causes Human death. This is because the Taipan Inland Snake tends to evade from Man.


This spider is also known as a "banana spider." It is often confused with golden silk orb-weaver, as the spider species have bright yellow and often (and inaccurate) dyes known as "banana spiders." Golden spider spiders are somewhat harmless, despite their appearance Which is scary. On the contrary, the spider of Brazilian adventure is otherwise unclear. They were rated as the most venomous animal on the planet by the World Records of Guinness of Records in 2007. The high dose of serotonin in spider poisonous spider Brazilian spills is very painful. Neurotoxin disease can cause paralysis and death
According to the 2007 World Records Guinness Recognition, Brazilian Wandering is the deadliest spider in the world for causing many human deaths. Enough with Poison as much as 0.006mg of this Brazilian Wandering spider can kill a Rat. Spiders are very dangerous because they are found in crowded places, in cars, wardrobes and in shoes. The Brazilian Wandering Spider Bite will cause pain, inflammation and loss of control over the muscles. If untreated immediately will cause death. Fortunately, there is a remedy for this kind of spider poison.
The Brazilian Wandering spider is widely found in the Amazon and Brazilian forestry areas.


Looks cute but most toxic. He usually lives in South and Central America or Hawaii. Dart fatty mangosteen dart contains called batrachotoxin. This toxin restricts the nerve signal to the muscles, causing paralysis and death.
Toxic Duck Frog or Poison Dart Frog is a frog that has a bright and bright color scheme. It is said Panah Frog because this toad poison is often used as a poison applied at the tip of the arrow by indigenous Indians. Poison of Poisonous Frogs Frogs


This type of Buntal fish looks cute but very dangerous. Although venom, it can also be eaten when properly prepared due to food safety measures. Preparing meals incorrectly can lead to food poisoning and death as a result, Many are served and food in the Philippines.

Buntal Fish or Puffer Fish is the world's second most poisonous Vertebrate Animal after Poison Dart Frog. The kidneys, liver and skin contain Tetrodotoxin poisons which are very dangerous for those who eat them. Only with poison 1 Buntal Fish Tie can kill 30 healthy adults. Buntal Fish Poisoning can cause numbness in the lips and tongue, mumps, nausea, difficulty breathing, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, paralysis and death. Most of them who are Buntal Fish poisoning will die within 4 to 24 hours. However, in Japan and Korea, meat of some species of Buntal Fish is used as food but must be prepared by licensed and experienced cooks so that they know which parts to eat and part of the edible manapula.

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