Wednesday, July 19, 2017



Lepa Boat was a transport and communication tool for the most important Bajau Semporna tribes in the past. Lepa was used as a travel tool to visit relatives living far away in the islands of Semporna such as Pulau Timbun Mata, Mataking Island, Bohecuz Island, Denawan Island, Ligitan Island, Sipadan Island and Lahad Datu Island. The use of the Lepa vessel was first introduced by Malabih Masama Commander and used for navigation to the Philippines.

It was also stated that apart from being a means of transport, Lepa was also used as a place of residence for seafarers. So far this situation still exists in the Semporna district, Sea people known as "Pala'u" still maintain the tradition of making boats as their main dwelling place.
In addition to Panglima Malabih Masama, the founders of Lepa Semporna include also Japaludin Anak Salih Ngungsu Ayak and grandfather of former Sabah State President Tun Sakaran Dandai, Panglima Uddang, who was then settled in Tong Taalun, Pekan Semporna.

Another person known as Rajanong has stated that his own Lepa made in Kampung Bumimbangan Bum-Bum Village, Semporna is a native and original Lepa and has never modified the pattern and the artificial.


Tuan Haji Mohd Musari Bin Ibn was born in Kampung Kabimbangan, Bum-Bum Island, Semporna on December 10, 1942. He is the Bajau ethnic group, Bum Bum, Semporna, Sabah.

He started working in the field of leprosy making since 1969 when he was 27 years old. Started part-time manufacturing activities and studied boat-making from Tuan Haji Bakara who is also his cousin.

Initially the manufacturing workshops used to make the Lepa boat were very small (As in the picture). The results are also limited to one boat for three months.

Currently, Haji Mohd Musari receives lot of Lepa boat reservations around January to April every year.

Welcome to Reggata Lepa  

(Article from

Semporna District, Sabah welcomes the Lepa Regatta Festival annually in April. Lepa is an important thing in Bajau life since ancient times. The Lepa Regatta celebration is the site for introducing and promoting the colorful, artistic and cultural Bajau people. Every year visitors will have the opportunity to see the unique uniqueness of the famous Lepa boat made with dance and music played on leprosy boats.

Regatta lepa semporna
Regatta Lepa is an annual event for all Bajau and Lepa seniors and entrepreneurs and artists. Through this celebration, Bajau people everywhere in the islands will meet, socialize and compete. The main competition is to win the title of 'Lepa Tercantik/ Prettiest.

This festival takes 2 to 3 days. Imagine by the beach there are hundreds of beautifully decorated Lepa with all kinds of lace, umbrellas, colorful swaddling, traditional costumes, cultural performances and sea show competitions. All of these lepers will line up as slowly ahead of the stage provided to judges and dignitaries to assess and select winners. Winners will be selected based on the beauty of Lepa and dance performed.

Regatta Lepa's celebration activities are divided into 2 main areas namely 'Seaside' by the seaside and 'Cultural Center' and exhibition at Padang Pekan Semporna. In the evening, visitors will have the chance to watch local cultural performances as they mix with local and national artists. The flame show also colored the Semporna sky on that night.

EPA: In the language of the Bajau East Coast of Sabah means 'bots'. It is believed to have come from a fisherman's kamuniti who lived in Bum-Bum Semporna Island at one time.

Regatta Lepa: It is the annual celebration of the Semporna District since 1994. Regatta Lepa was introduced in 1994 as a district level celebration and was later recognized as a Sabah-level festivities. In 2003 Regatta Lepa was incorporated into the 'Malaysian Water Festival' calendar and now Regatta Lepa is one of Malaysia's annual events.

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