Thursday, July 27, 2017

Things we always go through in life

I am interested in this article. Some of them must have gone through life.

1. If we fight with customers, even if we win, Customers will still run.

2. If we fight with colleagues, even if we win, no more work spirit in one group.

3. If we fight with the boss, even if we win, there is no future in the place.

4. If we fight with the family, even if we win, the family relationship will be tired.

5. If we fight with the teacher, even if we win, Blessing for the knowledge and love will be lost.

6. If we fight with friends, even though we win, we are sure to lack friends.

7. If we fight with a couple, even if we win, our feelings will be strangled.

8. If we fight with anyone, even if we win, we lose.
The win is just the ego of self.
This one is hard, defeating the ego of oneself.

9. Reflection together ....
When we receive a reprimand, mistakes and mistakes do not go straight and upset and grateful, there are still people who want to reproach our mistakes.

10. Hearing a wife at home, meaning we still have a family.

11. Hearing the husband is still snoring on the side, meaning we still have a husband.

12. Hearing the father and mother criticizing, meaning we still have a father.

13. Feeling tired and tired of advising the naughty boy, meaning we still have children for my next share.

14. Feeling tired every second after work, means we can work hard.

15. Cleaning the dishes and the dirty cup after receiving guests at home, it means we have friends.

16. Clothes are fairly narrow, that means we eat enough.

17. Washing and rubbing the stack of clothes, it means we have clothes.

18. Clean the yard, mop floor, it means we have a place to stay.

19. Getting a lot of work, it means we can do it.

20. Hearing the sound of exhaust & hon and a neighboring noise, it means we can still hear.

21. Looking at children playing cheerfully, it means we can still see.

22. We are still breathing, that means we are still given the opportunity by the great creator to repent and worship.

Finally there are many things that we can thank every day. We are also grateful to get this message, because we do not realize we still have people who care about us.

Stop complaining and be grateful. Be grateful in every circumstance though there is no reason to give thanks. We both try to be grateful even though it always complains without thinking about the opposite. Thankfully given a good life at this time and will dtg. Amin ....

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