Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Tips for Softening Old Chicken


Tips for Softening Old Chicken 1

Punch half a teaspoon of black pepper along with a little ginger, put in a pot with old chicken and water to boil. Boil until tender. Then remove chicken, wash clean, spread rice flour and fry.

Tips for Softening Old Chicken 2

Insert some pieces of coconut shell into a saucepan when boiling the old chicken. Definitely a chicken will be very soft.

Tips for Softening Old Chicken 3

Insert sugar cane into a saucepan when cooking old chicken. Definitely a chicken will be very soft.

Tips for Softening Old Chicken 4

Wrap a tablespoon of basil seeds with gauze and put in a pot when cooking old chicken. Definitely a chicken will be very soft.

Tips for Softening Old Chicken 5

Insert the dried banana leaf into a saucepan while cooking the old chicken. Definitely a chicken will be very soft.

Tips for Softening Old Chicken 6

Cut the old chicken into several parts. Sprinkle with coconut water until soft. Sprinkle the water and cook it as usual.

Tips for Softening Old Chicken 7

Insert some pineapple leaves (yellow color) pieces into the pot when cooking old chicken. Remove when the chicken is tender.

Tips for Softening Old Chicken 8

Peel a piece of pineapple fruit. Sprinkle on old chickens and marinate for half an hour. Clean and cook the chicken as usual.

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